The Plastibell procedure has gained popularity as a gentle and effective method for infant circumcision. It involves using a specialized device, the Plastibell. Plastibell offers several advantages over traditional circumcision methods to make it the most reliable method of circumcision.
However, you may need clarification about what procedure is followed in plastibell. Do not wonder; stay tuned; we will explore everything about Plastibell. Read and explore step by step procedure of plastibell.
Plastibell Procedure [Easy Step-by-Step Guide]
Here is a step-by-step explanation of the Plastibell procedure.
Step 1: Preparation
Before everything, a medical professional prepares to perform a plastibell procedure. It needs some devices and medicine to complete the procedure efficiently. Here is the list of some tools and medications required for plastibell.
- Plastibell device
- Antiseptic solution
- Sutures( Optional)
- Sterile gauze pads
- Sterile gloves
- Local Anesthesia
Step 2: Ready the patient
The patient, most often an infant, needs proper positioning to complete the procedure comfortably. The healthcare provider positions the infant on the circumcision board or a safe table. Then, they expose the lower portion, but cover the upper part of the patient’s body with clothes. Minimizing the infant’s anxiety or fear is essential.
Step 3: Cleaning and Anesthesia
Next to that, the medical professional applies the antiseptic solution around the penis and nearby areas to ensure it is clean. It is essential to ensure to minimize the infection chances.
After that, local anesthesia is administered to numb the area to reduce pain during the procedure. Professionals use different ways to administer anesthesia, such as injection or anesthetic cream, according to the patient’s condition.
Step 4: Plastibell Placement
The Plastibell device is chosen based on the appropriate size for the infant’s age. It consists of a plastic ring with a handle and a deep groove around its circumference. The ring is threaded with a suture to secure it during the procedure.
The healthcare professional places the Plastibell over the glans of the penis, ensuring the foreskin covers the groove. They gently pull the foreskin over the Plastibell and press the handle against the glans, effectively trapping the foreskin between the ring and the glans.
Step 5: Cutting the Foreskin
Next to that, a scalpel is used to make an incision along the inner surface of the foreskin. It is made just above the groove of the plastibell. The incision allows for the removal of excess foreskin while leaving a margin for healing.
Step 6: Removal of Foreskin
Once we make the incision, we carefully trim off the excess foreskin. Then we ensure we make a clean and precise cut to promote healing.
Step 7: Securing the Plastibell
The suture threaded through the Plastibell is tied firmly to prevent its dislodgement. So it secures the Plastibell and maintains pressure on the wound. It may help to control bleeding and promotes proper healing.
Step 8: Post-Procedure Care
The procedure is almost done, but the medical professional gives some essential instructions to the parents to take care of the circumcision.
It may include information on keeping the area clean, applying antiseptic ointment, and changing. Parents are also guided about monitoring the infection or complications and when they need medical help.
Step 9: Follow-up
Finally, the medical professional schedules a follow-up appointment with the patient and his parents. The professional thoroughly examines the circumcision condition. They ensure that there is no infection and that procedure have been completed correctly. They also check the plastibell. If it is not fallen naturally, they may remove it.
Cautions for Parents:
It is crucial to emphasize to parents that the Plastibell procedure should only be carried out by a trained healthcare professional. This is important to ensure safety and minimize any potential risks.
What is the best age for Plastibell?
The recommended age for Plastibell circumcision is between one and four months old. It is the most comfortable for the child and mother during the procedure and recovery.
What to do after Plastibell falls off?
After the Plastibell falls off, keeping the area clean and applying petroleum jelly to promote healing is essential. Gently retract the remaining skin, using petroleum jelly in the groove below the tip.
Can you bath the baby after Plastibell falls off?
Yes, you can bathe a baby after the last bell falls off. Once the scab has naturally come off, there is no specific restriction on bathing. However, ensuring the baby’s bathwater is clean, and the bathing area is hygienic to prevent infections is essential.
What does it look like when the last bell starts to fall off?
As the last bell starts to fall off, the area may resemble a healing skinned knee and be slightly swollen. The timing of when the ring falls off can range from 7-24 days, and it usually detaches naturally without any intervention.
What are Plastibell circumcision infection signs?
Signs of infection after a Plastibell circumcision include high temperature. The child becomes unwell and refuses to feed. Excessive erythema extended to the lower abdomen and legs.
What are the expected complications after Plastibell?
There can be several complications of the plastibell procedure, such as Infection, bleeding, and hematoma formation. Another issue is bell disposition, which refers to the ring becoming trapped and causing discomfort or difficulty during removal. Delayed falling of the ring may also occur.
The plastibell procedure is a commonly used method for circumcision in newborns. It involves placing a plastic ring over the penis, which cuts off blood flow to the foreskin, allowing it to be safely and efficiently removed. It is known as safe and effective, with minimal complications and a quick recovery time. However, parents must consult with healthcare professionals to make the right decision. What is the Shang ring procedure?